Confusion and Isolation Surround the Adult Child of a Narcissist

Diane Dennis
3 min readJan 5, 2022
Confusion and Isolation Surround the Adult Child of a Narcissist

Why does it seem so difficult to find a ‘normal’ relationship as an adult child of a Narcissist parent?

Answer: You were not taught how to love or be loved. You were not taught to acknowledge, explore or understand your feelings. You were a supply of energy and manipulation for the Narcissist. You were most likely provided shelter, food and physical safety. It was your emotional needs that were unmet and neglected, leading you to believe that you did not deserve such love.

The next questions that always follow: Am I permanently broken? Am I doomed to be alone or in horrible drama filled relationships where I don’t feel peace or safe?

Answer: No. You can heal. I have done it and can testify that my own healing has created a miraculous life. I can look back on the way I was before I started my healing journey and know confidently that I am a different person, and more improved in many ways that are measurable in the 3D world, and some ways that are immeasurable — priceless!

Before healing an adult child of a narcissist feels:

  • Isolated
  • Alone
  • Lonely
  • Different from others
  • In fight or flight



Diane Dennis

I am a RN, Certified Life Coach, hold a certification in Training and Development, an author, and YouTube content provider. Visit www.