As a survivor of a Narcissistic mother, I endeavored to do my healing work for the purpose of developing healthy relationships and helping others heal. Until you heal, the future will remain in the prison of old habits and patterns, and attracting in more Narcissists. Once healed, you are free, you will find peace, and can love yourself fully. It is in this way where the love you seek outside will find you.

I coach those affected by Narcissistic relationships, teach how to heal, get out of the victim role, and go on to thrive. My personal journey took me to places I never thought possible. A people pleaser I was discouraged from expressing my opinions. After healing, I became a columnist for a newspaper, a radio host and regular TV guest as a coach. I teach people how to live their best lives by following my healing protocols.

Medium member since December 2021
Diane Dennis

Diane Dennis

I am a RN, Certified Life Coach, hold a certification in Training and Development, an author, and YouTube content provider. Visit www.